This blog site works similar to a web page. There are links to information such as websites, pdf documents ets. However, a blog has a feature called "Posts". These can be identified in a blog by their title which is usually a date stamp such as "TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2007". At the bottom of each post there is information on the author of the post, date and a link for comments. The comment section of the blog is the feature that gives a blogsite its strength and functionality. As an interested citizen and user of the blog, you can provide valuable feedback on issues. You can also view other citizens' comments and respond to their questions or comments.The comments are moderated by the creator of the blog. This is primarily done to avoid profanity from being posted on the site.To post a comment, click on the link "comments" below the post you wish to comment on. A dialog box will appear similar to creating an email. Type in your comments, enter the word verification (security measure to keep spam out), pick your choice of identification and click "publish your comment". This sends your comment as an email to the moderator who will then post your comments on the blog. Visit the site as often as you like to see if others have responded to your comments or if you have additional comments to add. Happy blogging!Note: The latest/most recent items are on top and the oldest are at the bottom. You can also search the blog by using keywords such as "Applicant", "amendments" etc. The search bar is on top of the screen.

Types of Land Use Amendment for the 2008 process

Amendments considered this year are primarily focused on Land Use changes. To streamline the process, this year's amendments are categorized as Minor and Major.

Minor Amendments do not significantly alter the approved goals, policies and intent of the Land Use element. These amendments make changes to smaller parcels of land within the City and create considerably less impact to the surrounding area. The following criteria determine if the proposed amendment is categorized as a Minor amendment:
· The property is less than 3 acres
· The property is adjacent to land that is similar to the land use proposed
· All utilities with sufficient capacity is available to the property
· The property can be served by the existing transportation system with minor alteration or improvements that can be done by the property owner
· Any potential adverse impacts can be mitigated on the property
· Critical areas or other environmentally sensitive areas will not be impacted by the proposed change

Major Amendments are properties that do not meet the above criteria.

Information for Applicants

Property owners interested in submitting an application are recommended to familiarize themselves with some of the releveant documents listed below. These documents will provide some of the necessary exhibits that are required to be included in your application. The list below is not an all inclusive list. Some of the required information will have to be obtained from Island County and/or other private documents that you may possess.

* City Map
* Land Use Designation Map
* Zoning Map
* Infrastructure Map - Water
* Infrastructure Map - Sewer
* Infrastructure Map - Stormwater
* Comprehensive Plan

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

33170 SR 20 - RO to C3

This property is located on the SW corner of SR20 and NE Narrows Ave. The owner/applicant has submitted an application requesting a change to the current land use of RO, Residential Office to C3, Community Commercial.
The completed application and supporting documents can be viewed by clicking here.

If you are a neighbor, resident or interested citizen, and would like to comment on this application, click on the "comments" immediately below and send us a note.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, my name is Shawn Philp I am an Oak Harbor home owner and very concerned with this re-zoning proposal affecting the property near Narrows and Hwy 20. The neighborhood in which the proposal is made will affect a residential area occupied by long time Oak Harbor residents and this decision should not be taken lightly.

On the 02 July I called Mr. Rajesh Kamak (Cac) the City of Oak Harbor Senior Planner, with my concern that some of my neighbors did not receive the 27 June 2008 letter stating the proposed changes. Mr. Rajesh stated “the city is required only to send notification to those within 300 feet of the proposed property”, even though this is what is required I feel more notification needs to be sent out because this proposal affects more than those within the 300 feet requirement. He also stated that “a notice was published in the local newspaper and a small yellow sign will be posted on the property outlining the proposal”. I feel these small yellow signs are somewhat useful, however are not adequate for such a decision.

I feel approving this proposal and re-zoning the property commercial vice resident would affect the community in the following ways:

1. Increase vehicle traffic on both Narrows and O’Leary.

2. Decrease property values.

3. Increase in traffic means an increase in crime.

Questions that should be answered:

1. What type of business are the owners looking at putting on the property?

2. How large of a building is going to be built on the property?

3. What are the city’s intentions for Narrows Street?

4. If approved what timeline are we looking at for development?

5. If road improvements have to be made who will be paying for it?

My suggestion to the city counsel would be for them to take a hard look at this proposal because it will be affecting those residents who have supported the counsel and the community / city for many years past and many years to come.